3 Dimensional Physical Therapy

Athletic Training

school athletic partners .

Your student athletes matter at 3DPT! Our athletic trainers participate in extensive continuing education and training beyond the state requirement for licensure to ensure that your athletes are experiencing world-class care. Educated specifically on the techniques taught by the Gray Institute®, our whole-body warm ups and practice plans are aimed at helping your athletes stay safe and be successful in their sport.

3DPT’s focused Injury Prevention Program utilizes the skills of our highly trained team of Athletic Trainers and Physical Therapists to develop state-of-the-art functional warm ups and exercises consistent with that of professional sports, designed to keep your athletes on the field.

Monthly mentoring opportunities facilitated by our 3DPT Leadership, is one of the ways that we ensure excellence in all of our schools.

Hear from Our Tecumseh Athletic Director

Our Athletic Training team


Athletic Trainer: Jody Manes
Assistant Athletic Trainer: Leah Gomez

Jody Manes

Athletic Trainer, AT, ATC, CAFS, 3DMAPS

Leah Gomez

Assistant Athletic Trainer - AT, ATC, 3DMAPS, CAFS